Kiplan woke up the next morning and, while Jeremy was still asleep, pulled out his pink diamond to stare at it in wonder.
Kiplan had found the uncut diamond in the backyard by the tombstone on move-in day and he had secretly sent it in to be cut and appraised at a whoppin' 1,871 simoleons. Now he is keeping his precious gem all to himself for when he will really need it.

Kiplan hid away his diamond again when he heard Jeremy in the bathroom. And when he came in, he began to talk to Kiplan about the need for more money to come into the house.

Not wanting to share his precious diamond, Kiplan looked in the newspaper for a job, but he didn't really feel like signing up to be a Test Subject at the science lab, and the "job hunt" was only for appearance's sake. He didn't need Jeremy harping on him anymore. Besides, a job is not a way to get rich.

All that thinking about money problems led Kiplan to think about Agnes and all her bundles of money sitting in the bank, so he called her up for a little date.

Agnes agreed to meet Kiplan at the pool

They laughed and flirted and played there all day.

When the sun went down Kiplan walked Agnes the few blocks to her house.

Agnes brought Kiplan into the foyer to say goodnight. Kiplan complimented her home and thought mischieviously to himself about how he could see himself living there.

Agnes must have been enjoying his company, or perhaps she is very lonely, because somehow she likes Kiplan and she showed him as much by pulling him into a warm embrace.
Then Kiplan, seeing the glow in Agnes' eyes, leaned in and sweetly kissed her.
sweet go kiplan maybe jeremy can live a lone with out his dead beet brother