After all the drama of moving into a haunted house was behind him, Kiplan took the opportunity to elaborate on his money problems to his friendly neighbor.

Jeremy knew the only solution to the money problems would be to go straight to the paper, so he did, and found a job in the Political career as a Podium Polisher. It was demeaning, but his dream job would come around.

After finding a job, Jeremy fixed the toilet.

Then, while Kiplan lounged around watching TV, Jeremy cooked them both a good quality Macaroni and Cheese.

After dinner, Kiplan had nothing to say but complain about the dirty dishes. Jeremy politely suggested that Kiplan do the cleaning up and, after some grumbling, he did.

And since they could only afford one twin-sized bed when they moved in, Kiplan snuck into it first without a word. Jeremy didn't complain, though. Now was his chance to catch up on his soaps and he could nap on the couch, and sleep in the bed in the morning.
Next: No Waffles TodayPrevious: Ghostbusters!!!
The lead horrible, lonely little lives, those poor sims...