Next: Kiplan is Found Out
Previous: Meeting the Neighbors
Two Brothers. One who works hard. The Other who likes to wear underpants.
He worked hard at the base all day and did his job well. It shouldn't be long until his superiors notice him.
After arriving home from work he felt a celebration was in order so he called Veronica and invited her out for dinner.
Meanwhile, outside their house on Maywood Lane, a burglar was sneaking through the bushes.
Jeremy awoke immediately and bravely went directly outside to defend his home.
As soon as he opened the door he pounced on the theif like a wild man.
The theif put up a good fight,
but in the end it was Jeremy who was the victor.
As the theif ran away in fear, Jeremy was no longer nervous about his first day of work in the morning. He was strong and fast and brave and the military will love him. As long as he can stand latrine duty long enough for his superiors to notice...
After getting bored of exercising at home with Kiplan watching, Jeremy went to the gym. He was surprised at how nice the facility was, and how heavy the weights were!
After his workout and shower he went to the snack bar in the fitness center, and Veronica, the girl he had ran into the day before, walked in through the door. Jeremy was pleasantly surprised.
After talking with her for awhile he decided that she was possibly the best looking girl in town and even though she probably had a boyfriend, he had to know. So he asked her if she was single, and she said she was.
Veronica didn't want to interrupt his meal any longer, so she excused herself, but before she left they exchanged numbers and she hugged him.
After blushing Agnes looked at Kiplan quite slyly before she ran off towards the old peer and teasingly shouted back to him "You're it!"
When Kiplan caught up with her he pulled her in close and kissed her. Then, still holding her hand, he asked her how she would feel about being exclusive with one another. She said that to be with him was her only wish.
Then Kiplan leaned in to whisper in her ear. He told her his only wish would be for the sky to be filled with shooting stars just for her so that she might always have the wish of her heart.
Then he kissed her goodnight and quickly went home, hoping to leave her begging for more.